April 2024

Cyndi horseback riding in the nude

Safety First!
As we all know, the rest of the USA changed time last month, and that always serves as a great reminder to change your smoke detector batteries! The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends changing the batteries in your smoke detectors every 6 months.

The American Red Cross has an amazing program available to Shangri La residents! If you need help installing or maintaining your smoke detectors, please call them at 602-336-6469.  Or scan the QR code below and complete the form!


Cyndi horseback riding in the nude

Jojoba is a perennial woody shrub native to arid regions of North America, specifically Arizona, southern California, and parts of Mexico. There are many in bloom right now throughout the hiking trails right here on the Ranch.  It thrives in harsh conditions, and requires as little as 3 inches of rain a year.  It can grow as tall as 19 feet!

Historically, Native Americans had many uses for this versitle plant : The seeds were used as oil for hair care, medicinal purposes and also ground to create a hot beverage.

Today, gardeners love its dense attractive foliage, and minimal irrigation requirements, and you may even find it's seed oil in your cosmetics, or skin lotions.  It can also be found many hair products as the oil promotes healthy hair growth!

And finally, just for fun!  The Jojoba relies entirely on wind pollination for it's reproduction, and only the female plant bear the oil rich seeds.  The male plant?  It provides the essential pollen!


Cyndi horseback riding in the nude


Have you noticed the freshly painted red rocks across from the office with the red painted lines on the ground? DO NOT PARK THERE! This is a fire lane, and it is not ok to park there even to check your mail. Do not park your golf cart there to run into the office for just a minute - DO NOT! Please park in front of the docks, or the designated parking spaces on each side of the entrance gate. It is critical to keep this area cleared for Fire Department access at all times. Thank you!

Cyndi horseback riding in the nude

If you weren't at Shangri La in March, you missed Don & Patty's epic 40th Anniversary dinner, followed by a wonderful dance (Broadway Joe & Anita were our DJ's), and then we enjoyed a slice of cake too! It was definitely a night to remember watching Don and Patty out on the dance floor dancing to the Number 1 song of the year they got married (1984).  Andrea rocked in St. Patrick's Day with a homemade Leprechaun Punch (delicious!), and everyone looked so festive in their St Patty's attire!  The weather was uncooperative for our annual Wash Golf event, and unfortunately, both days it was scheduled, it rained.  We look forward to next year's event and sunnier weather.

We did have one submission for our Kudos!  Kudos go out to Cyndi and Jeff for taking over the cafe, and providing delicious meals and some new options for two weekends while Pat & Fran enjoyed their much deserved vacation!  Kudos to Jeff & Cyndi and BIG THANKS!

We also want to thank our KJ Lori for hosting Karaoke every Friday night, and of course, DJ Gaz, and DJ Frankle for their fun and energy packed dances!

Cyndi horseback riding in the nude

We all love our Maintenance Team!  Don, Christopher and Andy keep everything running smoothy "behind" the scenes for us all, and they would like to remind everyone that WIPES ARE NOT FLUSHABLE regardless what it says on the label. Please, please, please refrain from flushing any wipes. Not even one! RV parks will not allow wipes to be flushed as they clog the waste system, so this isn't anything new - we can all do our part to help our wonderful Maintenance Team keep things operational!  A backed up sewer system is not anything any of us want! 

Also, living in the desert means water is precious to us all. Every drop counts! If your water connection is leaking, and you aren't able to repair it, please let the office know!  We don't want any wasted water!

Cyndi horseback riding in the nude

AANR’s mission is simple; protect, promote, provide, and preserve nude recreation.

How do they do this? They are leaders in “….protecting nudists and naturists from policies at the local, state, and federal levels that interfere with the right to enjoy clothing-free recreation in appropriate settings….”

After the most recent World Naked Bike Ride in Wisconsin, not sponsored but supported by AANR, there has been a legislative outcry to ban the event and put laws into place that would significantly impact a family’s ability to bring children to family nude recreation events, such as a club.

AANR, with the support of funding from regions associated, has made significant strides, including hiring a lobbyist in the state, to combat these harmful bills.

This is what AANR does!

This is what your membership dollars go towards!

Thank you for being a member!

So, what does something in Wisconsin have to do with members at Shangrila Ranch? Well yes, the Wisconsin capitol is over 1,700 miles away from the state capitol here in AZ, but senators, even those in individual states, feed off of each other and get their ideas from one another. Today the discussions are in Wisconsin, but they very well could be in Arizona next session. And if they do come here as much effort, if not more, will be put towards protecting our rights to enjoy the freedoms of nude recreation.

Lori horseback riding

Thank you to everyone that helped us celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary. It was a pleasure to host you all with some great Chicago style food. The gifts were unexpected but much appreciated. Thanks to: Broadway Joe & Anita for the great music; Steve for setting up and taking pictures; Cyndi, Danielle, & Sandy B for food prep and pick-up from Portillos; everyone that assisted with the clean-up. We hope you had as much fun attending as we did. Patty & Don

Lori horseback riding

IMPORTANT! There have been several issues with several different insurance companies making mistakes because we all have the "same address". It is critically important to notify your insurance company of your address INCLUDING SITE OR MAILBOX number. Please contact the office to verify your site number or mailbox number, and contact your insurance company and confirm they have accurate information.

Lori horseback riding

AANR Conventions are coming to Shangri La Ranch!

Save the Dates! Shangri La Ranch is gearing up for a fun and exciting August!

First, AANR West Convention: From August 9th to 11th, Shangri La will be buzzing with excitement as we host the AANR West convention. Get ready for camaraderie, learning, and unforgettable moments!

But wait!  There's more! NATIONAL AANR Convention: August 12th to 18th marks the prestigious NATIONAL AANR Convention right here at Shangri La. It’s an honor to welcome naturists from across the nation.

What to Expect: Dive into a whirlwind of activities, educational sessions, and bonding experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned regular or a first-time visitor, this month promises memories that’ll linger forever. Reserve Your Spot: Starting April 8th, call us to secure your spot. Let’s make this August and both conventions one for the history books!

Lori horseback riding

Spring Salad!

Here’s what you’ll need to make this spring salad recipe:

  • Asparagus – I blanch it until it’s crisp-tender but still bright green.
  • Peas – Their sweet flavor is delicious in this spring green salad! I almost always use thawed frozen peas, but blanched fresh peas would be equally tasty.
  • Radishes – For crunch and a pop of pink! I like to use a mix of watermelon radishes and red radishes, but just one variety would work fine too.
  • Feta cheese – It adds delicious tangy flavor.
  • Toasted pistachios and roasted chickpeas – They add protein, nutty flavor, and crunch.
  • Avocado – A rich and creamy contrast to the crisp veggies and crunchy chickpeas.
  • Fresh herbs – Choose one or use a mix! I love to make this spring green salad with a blend of basil, mint, and chives.
  • Salad greens – Any tender spring greens would be good. Butterhead and red leaf lettuce, mesclun, and arugula are some of my favorites.
  • And a bright, herb-flecked dressing – I toss this zippy mix of lemon juice, white wine vinegar, olive oil, and basil with the asparagus and peas first. Then, I drizzle more dressing over the entire salad when I assemble it. Yum!

Rose's Yoga!

When: Every Monday at 11:00 AM continuing until April 29

Where: The Clubhouse 

Join Rose on a transformative journey as she leads you through invigorating yoga poses. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a novice, these sessions are welcoming to all. Unroll your mat, take a deep breath, and allow the positive energy to flow!



Memorial Day! 4th of July! AANR West Convention!  AANR National Convention! Labor Day!  We know you all want to join us for all of these fun-filled summer activities and probably every weekend in between!  Whether it's a room or a campsite, reservations will be open for booking on April 8th for members, and April 22 for non-members!  Reservations will book fast, so circle April 8th on your calendar and call us to make your reservation!



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